
What happened to the light in my eyes? I'm still in the middle of my life, but the world is covered in darkness. I cannot give out my gifts, my gifts, my gifts, my gifts, my gifts. I have no use for it. My soul is eager to serve the Creator. Let us serve our Creator with words that are true. Let us serve the Creator with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our souls. Does God command us to work even when we have lost the light of our eyes? I will murmur, and patience will prevail. I answer immediately, as if to interrupt his words. God does not require man's works nor his genius. To remain unbroken in our bond with God is our greatest service to God. God is the King of all things. Go, go, go, go, go! He who stands still and serves is also God's servant.
私の中の賢げな優等生の声が言った。蛇はやはり 私にとっての王だと思うのだ。故国に追われた王 闇の世界にいて冠を戴かない王。